Meditation Research That Might Just Excite You
Effects of Meditation
Alexandra D., Stanton, Annette L.. Crespi, Catherine M., Winston, Diana Arevalo, Jesusa, Ma, Jeffrey, Cole, Steve W., Ganz, Patricia A. Mindfulness meditation for younger breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial23 December 2014 119
Ann N Y Acad Sci, Exploring age-related brain degeneration in meditation practitioners, 2014 Jan;1307:82-88. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12217. Epub 2013 Aug 7.
Basso, J. C., Mchale, A., Ende, V., Oberlin, D. J., & Suzuki, W. A. (2019). Brief, daily
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Biegler, Kelly, Chaoul, M. Alejandro, and Cohen, Lorenzo, Cancer, Cognitive Impairment, and Meditation Acta Oncol 2009;48(1):18-26. doi: 10.1080/02841860802415535.
Bower, Julienne E., Crosswell HeeKim, Yeon, JungKim, Hwa, DoAhn, Seung, JeongSeo, Yun, HeeKim So, Effects of Meditation on Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, and Quality of Life of Women Undergoing Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer Complementary Therapies in Medicine Volume 21, Issue 4, August 2013, Pages 379-387
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LaBier, D., Ph.D. (2015). How Meditation Changes the Structure of Your Brain. Psychology Today
Lee, M. (2009). Calming Your Nerves and Your Heart Through Meditation. Harvard University: The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
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Rinske A.GotinkabcRozannaMeijboombMeike W.VernooijabMarionSmitsbM.G. MyriamHuninkabd, 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction induces brain changes similar to traditional long-term meditation practice – A systematic review, Brain and Cognition. Volume 108, October 2016, Pages 32-41
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Zapletal, K. (2017). Neuroscience of Mindfulness: What Exactly Happens to Your Brain When You Meditate.
Zsoldos, E. (2018). A Mindful Approach to the Year: Will Your Brain Thank you for it? A Medium Corporation.